Information for prospective graduate students:
Earn an advanced degree at the intersection of nanotechnology and sustainability.
VTSuN is constantly recruiting highly motivated Ph.D. students for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program (IGEP) on Sustainable Nanotechnology.
Here is a step-by-step process for obtaining a degree in Sustainable Nanotechnology in VTSuN:
1. Contact VTSuN faculty about joining their research group through VTSuN.
2. Complete a Virginia Tech graduate school application.
3. Indicate the sustainable nanotechnology program as well as a primary department of interest.
4. Complete a dissertation on a topic related to sustainable nanotechnology.
5. Successfully complete the sustainable nanotechnology interdisciplinary courses that lead to a Virginia Tech graduate certificate.
For more information about IGEP graduate opportunities, contact Dr. Peter Vikesland.
Information for the general public:
VTSuN is happy to talk to you about our research efforts in the environmental applications and implications of nanotechnology. Please contact the center director or associate director for more information.
Check out the VTSuN blog, maintained by our faculty and graduate students for articles on nanotechnology, sustainability, and anything in between!
VTSuN is a center of ICTAS, the Virginia Tech Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science. We participate in two ICTAS thrust areas: Nanoscale Science & Engineering and Nano-Bio Interface.